
A Selection of Resources to Find Research Assistant (RA)/Predoctoral Positions

The list below is intended to be a collection of links to pages that advertise research assistant (RA)/predoctoral positions. A comprehensive taxonomy of such positions and corresponding tasks can be found in the RA Guide.

The list is compiled with the aim of reducing search costs and informational frictions, in the hope that it will benefit those students that would like to acquire research experience.

The focus of the list lies primarily on pages that aggregate several positions, whereas individual openings are deliberately omitted in the interest of generality.

Needless to say, the list is inevitably far from exhaustive and should merely serve the purpose of kickstarting the search.

Disclaimer: The list is not sponsored. The list is compiled with no intention to provide more visibility to specific opportunities over others. Items in the list appear in no particular order.

RA Positions at Academic Institutions

RA positions in Macroeconomics at Policy Institutions

Last Updated: October 3, 2021.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this website should not be taken to necessarily reflect the position of my employers.
Any errors or omissions are my own.